Brandon Steven of Wichita – The Benefits of Running

Exercise has many health benefits. Brandon Steven Wichita loves going for a run in his Wichita neighborhood. He also played football and tennis in high school and he coaches his children’s soccer teams. He is active and he works hard to stay fit and healthy. Running is an important form of exercise and it has a wide array of health benefits.

Brandon Steven Wichita

Running is cardiovascular exercise. This means that it gets your heart rate up for a long period of time, and it exercises your heart. When you start your run, your muscles begin working harder, which means they need more oxygen and blood. Your lungs begin to pull in more air to oxygenate your blood, and your heart begins pumping faster to move that newly oxygenated blood and to get it to your muscles. This process provides your lungs and your heart with exercise.

Running also works your main muscle groups. Your legs work hard to propel your body forward, and your core muscles hold your body upright. Running can help tone these two major muscle groups. This exercise also burns fat. The more you run, the more energy your body needs. While you run, fat cells are converted into energy and then burned to keep your body moving.

Running is a great exercise for your overall health. It burns fat, increases your metabolism, it improves muscle tone, and it strengthens your heart. Brandon Steven, a business owner in Wichita, loves to run. He works hard to stay health and fit for his family and his career.


Brandon Steven of Wichita – Three Facts About Professional Poker Tournaments

Brandon Steven is an experienced professional poker player. He was drawn to the game by the variety of skills it requires. He enjoys playing poker and testing himself against other professional players. He has participated in several professional tournaments and has earned over one million dollars in winnings. He always looks forward to his next challenge and the next game.

Brandon Steven Wichita

It can be difficult to get a spot in a poker tournament. You will need to register and buy in as soon as possible. There are many poker players, and the tables may fill up quickly. Poker tournaments are popular and there are many semi-professional players who want to make the transition to professional players.

It is also important to understand that there are several different types of poker tournaments. Elimination, or freeze out tournaments, start all of the players with the same amount of chips. The players are divided among the tables and are eliminated when they run out of chips. Rebuy tournaments allow players to purchase more chips if they lose all of theirs within the first two hours. Shootout tournaments have several tables and players are eliminated until there is only one person left at each table. Satellite tournaments are preliminary tournaments that lead to a larger tournament.

A third fact to remember about poker tournaments is that they often draw in talented players. You may be playing against accomplished and experienced players. Brandon Steven enjoys that challenge of these tournaments. He always looks forward to playing against other skilled individuals.


Brandon Steven of Wichita – What is an Entrepreneur?

Brandon Steven is an entrepreneur in Wichita, Kansas. He is the owner of Brandon Steven Motors and the co-owner of Genesis Health Clubs. He is a hardworking and successful entrepreneur who has spent years building his career. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become an entrepreneur. These professionals play an important role in society.

Entrepreneurship involves creating a new business and working hard to build it and make it successful. Entrepreneurs are innovative individuals who are able to develop an innovative vision for a company. They are often able to create a company that offers their customers a unique service. These professionals are creative as well as driven.

Brandon Steven Wichita
Brandon Steven Wichita

Entrepreneurs are dedicated to building their careers. These individuals are focused on building their businesses and they are willing to work long hours. They often have an interest in business and are willing to take the time to develop business models and plans.

It also takes a lot of work to maintain a company’s success. Entrepreneurs frequently spend years marketing their companies, building a reputation, and creating a business. These professionals are often passionate about business and are driven to succeed.

Entrepreneurs are important members of their communities. They create small businesses and they can help improve local economies. Successful entrepreneurs are ambitious and dedicated individuals. Brandon Steven Wichita learned how to be an entrepreneur from his own father who owned several car washes. He cares about his community and he worked hard to become a successful entrepreneur in Wichita, Kansas.

Brandon Steven Explains How His Wichita Car Dealerships Became Profitable

Brandon Steven  Wichita knows how to run a profitable automotive business. He owns nine dealerships in the area and has been the number one seller of Suzuki’s in the nation for the past four years. He also has the fastest growing car dealership in the nation. Many people want to know how Steven can run so many profitable businesses, and how he is willing to explain some of his secrets that have help him become successful.

Brandon Steven Wichita

The sales numbers of his dealerships are always very important to Brandon. As a result, he keeps close tabs on all sales and revenue growth. Every year he meets with his managers to go over his year-end earnings and he develops strategies to maximize profits. He believes that if you know your numbers, you can begin to fix problems before they get too big.

His second tip is to know your customer base. He knows what types of cars the people of Wichita want. He will do everything in his power to get them those types of vehicles with enough variety to satisfy them. He does not bring cars to his lots if he thinks he will have a hard time selling them. He loves to use the example of not seeing many convertibles for sale in Minnesota in the winter time.

The last piece of advice is always striving to do better. This desire is what keeps him going every day – to be better than yesterday. Brandon Steven thinks if people follow these tips then they can have car dealerships as profitable as his Wichita businesses.


Wichita Car Dealer Brandon Steven Gives Tips for Success in Business

Brandon Steven has nine successful car dealerships throughout the Wichita area. He began his empire shortly after college when he opened up Brandon Steven Motors. Aside from his dealerships, Steven has found success in poker, and owns both health clubs and minor league hockey franchises. He has several tips to help people succeed in business.

Brandon Steven Wichita

His first tip is to be accountable. If a person cannot account for himself or his actions, then he cannot account for his employees. He learned this habit when he was on the floor of the dealership trying to sell cars as a seventeen-year-old. Steven thinks that this is a trait that people need in all aspects of their life. His second tip is to know your cash flow. The basic of business is to make more money than you spend, but good businessmen know how to maximize their revenue. Steven goes through his sales numbers every year with his automotive managers and finds ways to maximize his revenue and minimize his costs. This act lets him build a more efficient company that will be easier to run. His last tip is to understand your clients. People do things for a reason. As a salesperson, if he knows the reason the client wants to buy a car, then he can modify his pitch to resonate with his desires and make them more likely to buy a car.

Brandon Steven has followed these business tips for over the past twenty years, and he credits them for the success of his Wichita car dealerships.


Wichita’s Brandon Steven and His Love of Professional Poker

Wichita businessman Brandon Steven needs to be able to do math quickly and read someone when he is trying to negotiate a deal. Many times he was able to successfully use these talents while leading his many business ventures. In 2004, Steven was introduced to poker and he quickly realized that the same skills he needed in business, were needed in poker as well. He had to read his opponent to see what potential hand they were playing. He also needed to do mathematical calculations in his head to figure out what was the probability of him winning a hand, as well as to figure out how much everyone was betting and how many chips they had left.

Brandon Steven Wichita

After this revelation, Steven fell in love with the game. He researched playing and betting strategies and entered a cash tournament in 2005. He ended up coming in second in this tournament. This tournament placing was the point when he knew he was hooked. Steven kept practicing and playing poker when he could. His career highlight was playing at the World Series of Poker Tournament in Las Vegas. After playing for a week straight, for twelve to fourteen hours a day, he ended up in tenth place- missing the final table by one spot.

Wichita businessman, Brandon Steven Wichita, still plays professionally and continues to perfect his poker skills. He appreciates his experience and the time spent in the business world, as it gave him the skills to excel at poker. He will continue to play when he can and will attempt to win a World Series of Poker Tournament.


Brandon Steven – Helping People Win at Poker in Wichita

Brandon Steven discovered an affinity for playing poker in Wichita about ten years ago. He played for the first time with friends and immediately wanted more. He finished second in his first high reward poker tournament in Las Vegas in 2005, and ever since, he has trained to be a competitive player at the highest level. In 2010, he finished one off the final table in the World Series of Poker’s Main Event in Vegas. Here are a few basic tips for those trying to get into poker:

Brandon Steven Wichita

Math is key. Knowing the odds and chances of winning with a particular starting hand is the first step to winning a poker hand. Most professionals fold most their hands away, waiting for the perfect set of cards they can play with. You don’t have to be a math genius to do this, you only have to have a basic understanding of whether or not you can expect to win with the cards dealt.

Gather information. Poker is a game of incomplete information. Over time, professional players can learn what cards their opponents have based on how they bet, how they bet before, and even their mannerisms and body language. Take in all the information you can about your opponent and you can know their cards better than they do.

Keep emotion out of it. Again, poker is about mathematics and probability. Raising or calling a bet based on anger or retribution is a recipe for disaster.

Brandon Steven Wichita lives and works in Wichita when he’s not on the road playing poker professionally.

Brandon Steven, Professional Poker Player from Wichita, on How to Win at Poker

Brandon Steven Wichita discovered his affinity for Texas Hold ‘Em in 2005 when he entered his first professional poker tournament. Since then, he has finished tenth in the World Series of Poker Main Event in Las Vegas, and won thousands of dollars at the poker table. His experience at poker tables with all kinds of players with different skill levels can help you beat your friends at poker.

Brandon Steven Wichita

Usually, at every regular poker table, you’ll have a cross section of skill levels. The person at the table playing for the first time can sometimes take you out, so you have to be careful even with these players and play them intelligently. The best general strategy to employ against a pre-beginner player is to avoid them. Let the other players at the table try to guess what they have. Often, players who you had to explain all the rules to a few minutes before dealing can take your chips and distribute them to all your friends through sheer luck if you make a bad call.

Take out players who have a bit more experience but only play to the cards they hold by betting aggressively. The player will either fold if he or she has bad cards, or call if they have good cards. You can always tell what they have by their bets and take action accordingly. Intermediate players know a few more tricks and they can vary their play a bit, but if you stay aggressive and frustrate them into taking you all in. This is where you strike. Play a strong hand like all of the junk hands you’ve folded on. They will seek revenge and bet a large sum.

Brandon Steven is an experienced and skilled poker player from Wichita.

Brandon Steven Wichita

Brandon Steven of Wichita has the two components that make up an excellent businessman: passion and nose for entrepreneurial opportunity. Steven and his brother, Rodney Steven, spearheaded a coalition of local businessmen submitting an application to the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission to build a $145 million premier casino resort in Southeast Kansas, hoping to generate revenue for the entire state.

Source: Brandon Steven Wichita

Brandon Steven, Professional Poker Player from Wichita, on How to Win at Poker

Brandon Steven of Wichita discovered his affinity for Texas Hold ‘Em in 2005 when he entered his first professional poker tournament. Since then, he has finished tenth in the World Series of Poker Main Event in Las Vegas, and won thousands of dollars at the poker table. His experience at poker tables with all kinds of players with different skill levels can help you beat your friends at poker.

Brandon Steven Wichita

Usually, at every regular poker table, you’ll have a cross section of skill levels. The person at the table playing for the first time can sometimes take you out, so you have to be careful even with these players and play them intelligently. The best general strategy to employ against a pre-beginner player is to avoid them. Let the other players at the table try to guess what they have. Often, players who you had to explain all the rules to a few minutes before dealing can take your chips and distribute them to all your friends through sheer luck if you make a bad call.

Take out players who have a bit more experience but only play to the cards they hold by betting aggressively. The player will either fold if he or she has bad cards, or call if they have good cards. You can always tell what they have by their bets and take action accordingly. Intermediate players know a few more tricks and they can vary their play a bit, but if you stay aggressive and frustrate them into taking you all in. This is where you strike. Play a strong hand like all of the junk hands you’ve folded on. They will seek revenge and bet a large sum.

Brandon Steven of Wichita is an experienced and skilled poker player from Wichita.