Brandon Steven, Professional Poker Player from Wichita, on How to Win at Poker

Brandon Steven of Wichita discovered his affinity for Texas Hold ‘Em in 2005 when he entered his first professional poker tournament. Since then, he has finished tenth in the World Series of Poker Main Event in Las Vegas, and won thousands of dollars at the poker table. His experience at poker tables with all kinds of players with different skill levels can help you beat your friends at poker.

Brandon Steven Wichita

Usually, at every regular poker table, you’ll have a cross section of skill levels. The person at the table playing for the first time can sometimes take you out, so you have to be careful even with these players and play them intelligently. The best general strategy to employ against a pre-beginner player is to avoid them. Let the other players at the table try to guess what they have. Often, players who you had to explain all the rules to a few minutes before dealing can take your chips and distribute them to all your friends through sheer luck if you make a bad call.

Take out players who have a bit more experience but only play to the cards they hold by betting aggressively. The player will either fold if he or she has bad cards, or call if they have good cards. You can always tell what they have by their bets and take action accordingly. Intermediate players know a few more tricks and they can vary their play a bit, but if you stay aggressive and frustrate them into taking you all in. This is where you strike. Play a strong hand like all of the junk hands you’ve folded on. They will seek revenge and bet a large sum.

Brandon Steven of Wichita is an experienced and skilled poker player from Wichita.